QEI Applications for CERTIFICATION are available via the following link: Online Certification Applications
Please be sure to select the correct application type:
• Inspector Certification – Training Course & Exam Package
• Inspector Certification – Exam Only
• Inspector Certification – Training Course Only
• Inspection Supervisor Certification
Detailed instructions for how to complete a certification application can be found here: DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS
Office staff will also be available to help with the transition.
QEI Applications for MAINTENANCE OF QUALIFICATIONS are available via the following link: Online Maintenance of Qualifications Applications and Exam
SOMETHING LOOKS DIFFERENT! In 2022 QEITF transitioned to a new Inspector Recertification Portal.
Detailed instructions for how to complete recertification can be found here: DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS
Office staff will also be available to help with the transition.
If you have not established a username and password for the new portal, please contact info@qeitf.org to send you a setup link.
Thank you for your patience and your continued support of QEITF.
If you prefer submit your QEI Application by mail please download a PDF copy of the application from one of the links below:
Inspector Certification Training Course & Exam Package Application
Inspector Maintenance of Qualifications Application
Inspector Certification Exam Only Application
Inspector Certification Training Course Only Application
Inspector Supervisor Maintenance of Qualifications Application
Inspector Supervisor Certification ApplicationInspector Supervisor Employment Verification Form
(Must be submitted with Inspector Supervisor Application)
Complete the form and return it to our QEITF office with the appropriate payment.
NOTE: This option does require additional administrative handling and there is a small fee associated.
If you have any questions regarding the QEITF QEI program, please do not hesitate to call us:1-888-511-3113